Section 6: Conclusion
RAs successfully implemented the WQIP during the reporting period through collaborative and proactive efforts on the regional, watershed, and jurisdictional levels. Successful programmatic and water quality outcomes achieved in FY23 helped to protect, preserve, enhance, and restore water quality and designated beneficial uses of waterways within the WMA. Through these efforts many interim goals were achieved and significant progress towards final numeric goals were achieved.
The RAs will continue to implement strategies and make program adjustments to maintain progress in achieving interim and final goals. In FY24, several RAs will be continuing adaptive management processes to evaluate HPWQCs and numeric goals in several HAs. These RAs will coordinate with RWQCB staff and provide rationale and updated numeric goals to the RWQCB for approval before implementation.
Dry and wet weather MS4 outfall monitoring for the 2022-2023 monitoring year provided data and information regarding MS4 water quality conditions (see Attachment 3). During the reporting period, 810 dry weather MS4 visual observations were performed, and a total of 33% of the 483 major MS4 outfalls were classified as dry (i.e., dry for three consecutive site visits).
During dry weather sampling, all results for the dissolved fractions of hexavalent chromium, trivalent chromium, iron, lead, silver, and zinc were below the NAL in 100% of the analytical samples. During wet weather outfall sampling, 75% of the results met applicable action levels. Parameters below SALs include total cadmium, total copper, total lead, total zinc, and turbidity.
During FY23, RAs collaborated to implement the WQIP and address commentsfrom the RWQCB. A revised WQIP was submitted in September 2021 and accepted by the RWQCB in December 2021. The RAs are committed to continuing JRMP and WQIP implementation in FY24 and working collaboratively to improve water quality throughout the Carlsbad WMA.
As the MS4 Permit reissuance continues, it is recommended that the CWMA RAs continue their history of engagement with RWQCB staff and in the region to work towards streamlined reporting efforts and meaningful program planning, implementation, and reporting.